Quality Check
Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care
3914 Murphy Canyon Road Suite #A226,
San Diego, CA 92123
(858) 751-0315
Welcome to the Joint Commission’s Quality Report. We know how important reliable information is to you and your family when making health care decisions. This Quality Report will help you make the right decisions to meet your needs. Since 1951, Joint Commission has been the national leader in setting standards for health care organizations. When a health care organization seeks accreditation, it demonstrates commitment to giving safe, high quality health care and to continually working to improve that care.
The Quality Report is only one way to determine whether a health care organization can meet your needs. Discuss this report with your doctor or with other professional acquaintances before making a care decision. In addition to the accreditation status of the organization, the Quality Report uses checks, pluses, and minuses in the key area of National Patient Safety Goals – safety guidelines that target the prevention of medical errors such as surgery on the wrong side of the body and safe medication use.
Not all measures are relevant to or available for all types of health care organizations. The Joint Commission will add relevant measures of health care quality as more measures become available. Your comments are just as important to us. The content and format of the Quality Report will be updated from time to time based on changes in the health care industry and your suggestions. Please call Customer Service at 630-792-5800 or e-mail the Joint Commission at qualityreport@jointcommission.org with your comments and suggestions.
Mark R. Chassin, MD, MPP, MPH President of the Joint Commission