Patient/Caregiver Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
Each patient will be an active, informed participant in his/her plan of care. To ensure this process, the patient will be empowered with certain rights and responsibilities, as described.
A patient may designate someone to act as his/her representative. Each patient/caregiver shall be assured of quality care while participating in the Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care program.
As a patient you have the Right to:
- Be treated with consideration, respect and full recognition of dignity and individuality, including privacy in treatment and in care for personal needs, as well as respect for cultural and lifestyle differences.
- Participate in informed decisions regarding my care, and services provided to my caregivers, including the right to participate in the development and revision of the interdisciplinary team plan.
- Have both my caregivers and myself instructed about my illness.
- Continue to receive care as long as medically indicated.
- Be informed, orally and in writing, in advance about the scope of services to be provided by Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care, the programs philosophy, care arrangements, and related charges, including any charges for services not covered under Title XVLL or XIX of the Social Security Act.
- Have appropriate assessment and management of pain and other symptoms.
- Be assured that the personnel who provide care are qualified through education and experience to carry out the services for which they are responsible, and that the agency will receive and respond to patient/caregiver complaints.
- Be informed by my physician or the Avalon Hospice Palliative Care physician of my medical condition.
- Confidential treatment of personal and medical records except in the case of transfer to another health facility; or as required by law or third party payment contract; or as required by a contracting agency providing service to our patients, such as a pharmaceutical company or private duty registry.
- Refuse to participate in experimental research.
- Refuse treatment (including lifesaving measures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and to be informed of the medical consequences of such refusal.
- Be informed regarding advance directives, such as durable power of attorney for health care.
- Voice grievances without discrimination Patients, families and caregivers may call Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care supervisor at (858) 751-0315 regarding concerns or call the State Home Health Agency Hotline established under Title XIX at 1-800-824-0613*, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to voice complaints or ask questions about Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care. (*This number may also be used to lodge complaints concerning the implementation of the advance directive requirements.) If you require additional assistance please feel free to contact the Joint Commission at 1-800-994-6610 or you may go to the Joint Commission website at
- Be informed that Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care is currently an independent, for profit hospice located in San Diego, California serving people in need of hospice care in San Diego County, as well as the surrounding community, will be faithfully served in their homes, skilled nursing facilities, as well as board and care facilities. Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care is Joint Commission Accredited and is licensed by the state of California Department of Public Health.
- Change hospice if I wish to do so. To change programs, I must contact another hospice and obtain approval, and then I must inform Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care of my wishes so arrangements for transfer can be made. I must specify a date to discontinue care from Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care, the name of the hospice from which I wish to receive care, and the date care will start.
As a patient/Caregiver, you have the Responsibility to:
- Provide accurate and complete information about the present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to the patients health.
- Remain under doctors care while receiving hospice services
- Participate in developing your plan of care and updating it, as your condition changes.
- Provide feedback regarding services, needs and expectation, asking questions regarding care or service. Advise Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care of any problems or dissatisfaction with your care.
- Cooperate with staff regarding your care.
- Accept the consequences for any refusal of treatment or choice of noncompliance, which may result in discharge from service.
- Provide a safe environment, in which your care can be given.
- Return equipment loaned to you by Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care, when no longer needed or when leaving Avalon Hospice & Palliative Cares program.
- Treat personnel with respect and consideration.
- Notify Avalon Hospice & Palliative Care when unable to keep appointments
